Thursday, February 08, 2007

Not the usual pregnancy

I had totally planned on doing my own prenatal care, seeing my doctor 2 times, and birthing the baby at home by ourselves.

So I started doing my own prenatal care at 4 weeks pregnant. Nothing much, just keeping track weekly of my weight, blood pressure, etc. I've gotten good at taking my own blood pressure, though I really wish I had a third hand to help out!

Around 10 weeks along, I was still feeling exhausted and nauseous. And I noticed that my uterus was measuring high. I just figured it's because I was so stretched out from 2 previous pregnancies.

At 11 weeks, I wrote "fundal height???" in my notes. My uterus was measuing a couple inches under my belly button which is normal for 16 weeks. All weekend I started thinking about twins, and that it was possible. Read up a little bit.

At 12 weeks, I decided to go see my doctor. I hadn't planned on going until 20 weeks, but I just had to know for sure. I don't like ultrasounds at all and had only planned on one for the whole pregnancy. But the stress of not knowing and sleeplessness from not knowing was worse!

I go to my appointment, dragging both kids with me. I go through the normal weighing, etc. bit and go in to see my doctor. He said, "well, I assume the only reason you're here is because you're pregnant." I told him my LMP date and that I felt I was measuring quite big even for a third pregnancy. He says to hop up on the table.

Isaiah sat in his stroller. Grace stood on a stool next to the table and watched the doctor squirt goo on my stomach. Yes... my stomach. I was that big so he realized a transvaginal ultrasound was unnecessary! Within 10 sec of the transducer on my stomach, the nurse gasps and I say, "OH MY!" at the same time. It was so obviously twins. Two sacs, two heads! The doctor said, I don't have to tell you what I see because you can see it for yourself! I spent the rest of the appointment in discussion with my doctor (that's a later post).

Even though I had suspected twins, nothing really prepares you for finding out that it really is twins!

Next post: Fraternal or Identical?


At 8:42 AM , Blogger Laura said...

Wow-didn't know you planned on doing it alone at home if it was just one baby. I know you know enough to do that but I'd be afraid that in the throws of labor, I'd forget everything.
That must have been so neat seeing your two babies for the first time!

At 4:25 PM , Blogger Elizabeth said...

Congratulations Erin! Its Dayton's cousin Liz. We bonded when we met years ago at Ma-Ma's. I've enjoyed reading your blog. Can't wait to hear more about the twins and your other children as well. Can't wait to read all about it! We'll be praying for you.

At 12:24 PM , Blogger rcsnickers said...

I told R.C. when you were first pregnant "I bet she does an unassisted homebirth!" Will pray that you still have a homebirth! How sweet to have seen both babies.

Looking forward to reading this story!


At 3:08 PM , Blogger Rachel said...


I found your blog through the message boards. Thank you so much for sharing your "twin pregnancy."

You stated something in one of your posts about wondering if it was twins when you began measuring ahead. I am obsessing about it so much that I can not sleep so I thought I would contact you and see what you thought. I am sure you are a very busy woman being a wife, mother, missionary, and student of midwifery! I appreciate the time you are taking to read this. : )

I am 15 weeks pregnant with baby #5. I prayed for twins with baby #4 because we had three girls and I would have loved to have had twin boys so they would have a brother to play with. The LORD gave us a beautiful little girl instead and she has been my joy ever since! I can't believe it has been four years since her birth. My Mom had also prayed for twins and never had any.

I wasn't really thinking about twins this time. My sister-in-law had twin girls last year and I realized how hard it is! However, around 11 weeks, I started feeling classic symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia (I am always anemic during pregnancy). This seemed much earlier than before. I started Floradix and it helped immediately. I couldn't feel the fundus until about 13 weeks because I have a tipped uterus and pelvic organ prolapse. At about 13 1/2 weeks, I finally felt it in the morning and it was much higher than expected...about 2 finger widths below my belly button. I was shocked. I have felt for it most mornings since then and it is about at my belly button although it "disappears" during the day. I can feel it best in the morning with a full bladder. With my previous pregnancy, my fundus was just below my belly button at 23 weeks! I am starting to show and this is new as well. I can usually hide it until after 20 weeks but I'm busting out of my pants!

What are your thoughts?

I have an ultrasound scheduled for Tue, Jan 6 and the suspense is killing me! ; )

Looking forward to hearing from you!



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