21 months old
Time has flown and the girls are talking so much already. They are still nursed a lot but finally are sleeping a lot more at night. As of last month, we have all four children sharing one room for bedtime!
It's always monkey see, monkey do. And together they are a team of destruction. We have had to baby-proof in ways we had never imagined. Thanks to Dayton's martial arts skill, they cannot get into the kitchen drawers. Though last week, they figured out how to pull out the drawers anyway and climb up like a ladder. Sigh.
Miriam is our little entertainer and more nurturing, at least as dolls go. She gets her revenge as the biter! We found her holding Shira down and biting her over and over again on her back. Shira then sat up and yanked out some of Miriam's hair. And of course one minute later they're hugging and singing and lifting up their shirts to tickle each other.
For just a 5 minute window, no one was crying, every one was dressed and clean, and it was Easter Sunday morning!